Imitation is not the highest or sincerest form of flattery. It's theft. While nothing in business or social media is ever new, what you offer has your own stamp and identity. When you oenly share
Most business owners get so caught up in the hiring process and the search for great talent, they often forget about after the hire. Getting them is a lot easier than keeping them. How you
When working with clients, it should never be strictly transactional. Clients remember how they were treated and made to feel more than what they paid for. Most business owners don't take the time to understand
There's a difference between wealthy and rich. Wealthy is quiet, rich is loud & bragging. In this social media world, people can be anything they want to be, and often times the images of wealth
I learned long ago that if I don't establish my value, someone else would. And the value they establish won't line up to the truth. When establishing value, don't think in terms of price or