
Brand Management

Brand Management

Episode 75: Don’t Let The Copycats Win

Imitation is not the highest or sincerest form of flattery. It’s theft. While nothing in business or social media is ever new, what you offer has your own stamp and identity. When you oenly share your message with the world, it’s easy to become a target of copycats. It happens with designer goods, and services are no different. In this episode I talk about things you can do to protect your brand.

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Brand Management

Episode 64: Do You Have Brand Authenticity & Alignment?

Beyonce is coming out with a new Haircare Line! And it’s got people talking. It seems a lot of people, fans and non-fans are confused about this. The general consensus is she is not known for haircare. But it opens up a deeper conversation. Will consumers buy for name recognition or is your personal story behind the brand what attracts them? Well we’re all not Beyonce so we don’t have a built in audience that will buy whatever. We as businesswomen have to be strategic. It has to make sense to the buying public. People are more focused on authenticity and alignment these days when making purchasing decisions. So let’s talk about it.

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Brand Management

Episode 9: Differentiate Your Company or Die

There’s an old saying that goes “don’t try to reinvent the wheel” meaning once you know what it is you want to do/sell/produce, find a company already doing it successfully, and try to improve upon it. Well, that can work for some. Look at companies like AirBNB who took on the hotel industry. Or Uber who took on the cab industry. In some cases, you can disrupt or improve on a product. But in worse case scenario, you end up with a company that’s a copycat “me too” in the eyes of customers. Your company ends up so commoditized that you’re seen as an option instead of the prize pick. Because so many playing fields have been mowed, raised and leveled thanks to technology and globalization, business owners have to constantly ponder how to make themselves stand out as the go to in their industry.

Ask yourself 2 questions:
– What are you doing better than your competitors?
– Why should customers choose your company over others that offer the same thing?

In this episode of Mogul Chix Chat I share my top tips on differentiating your company and keeping from becoming irrelevant.

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